Professional Taxidermist in Cody, WY

Dean Rogers, owner of Bighorn Taxidermy, graduated from taxidermy school in North Carolina in 1981 and has spent the last 20 years or his 37-year career right here in Cody, WY. For those who are unfamiliar, Cody, WY was founded by the infamous Buffalo Bill in 1901, which means that the hunting roots of this western city run deep. Much like the other area residents, Dean has a true appreciation for the art of hunting, which is clearly demonstrated through the quality of this work as a professional taxidermist.

During the beginning of his career, Dean’s first taxidermy projects consisted of whitetail deer, bass, moose, elk and bear. After perfecting this variety of animal head mounts, he then moved on to creating authentic buffalo head mounts and bison head mounts with precision and anatomical accuracy. Regardless of how many jobs he takes on, Dean’s commitment to providing customers with life-like animal head and shoulder mounts that exceed all expectations remains the same. After all, we can’t expect you to proudly show off something that we aren’t proud of ourselves.

To this day, Dean has sold thousands of wildlife and buffalo mounts, and strives to keep that number growing through Bighorn Taxidermy. If you are interested in a buffalo mount or any other wildlife mounts please give us a call (307) 578-7806.

Let Bighorn Taxidermy show you the difference an experienced taxidermist can make in creating a true trophy mount!